Random Scribbles Re-Remix

{September 9, 2008}   To blog or not to blog

So, last week in class (313 that is), Quinn finally set the criteria for our blogging assignment. We are supposed to choose a subject, an “obsession,” to blog about for the rest of the semester. So I thought to myself, my obsession, what be that? I have heard somewhere, a while back, that Obsession is a sickness that consumes. I personally feel that each obsession is more like a symptom that adds up to make a whole sick person (is that too pessimistic of a view?). And, well, I have enough symptoms to kill. So, do I want to share a sneeze or a cough with the class? What am I more comfortable with, back pain or a headache?

At first, I was just planning to reproduce my livejournal blog and write about my life, an online diary of sorts. Though my blogs have always been privately public (or publicly private?), which means I make it a rule not to use real names, write about anything too “politically incorrect,” or state anything that have legal implications, I don’t think the class really need to know all that much about my life. Then, I juggled around the idea of making this into a books/movies recommendation blog. Maybe even write reviews about some of my favorite foriegn dramas, like Hana yori dango, but then I really don’t want this be a repeat of my other similarly themed blog, which have been dormant for over two years.

After reviewing several more options, I finally thought to myself, why not blog about blogging? Even though I do not blog as much as I would like, I am always wondering if I should update my blogs. Therefore, I will use this blog as inspiration for my other two. What does that mean? I will only blog in here, if I have updated either of my other blogs. This blog will serve as a review board of sorts for my other blogs. That means, if I write a journal entry at livejournal, I will go here and hint at what I wrote there. If I update my myspace blog, I will add tidbits and pieces about it here.

So, I guess this blog will be centered around an itchy nose then; frustrating and annoying until you finally sneeze, but then, sneezing isn’t all that fun either.

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